welcome to my blog!!!

Hi! My name is kim le and I am a Southern California photographer specializing in wedding, event and portrait photography. Through my photographs, I tell a story of the moments we live, the details we make, and the emotions we share.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy some insight into my life, my photography and my passions. Happy blogging!


faisal & heela: wedding

"dancing the night away"

I had the pleasure of shooting Faisal & Heela’s wedding reception on November 9, 2007 at the Royal Palace in Glendale, CA. I was taken aback by the beautiful customs and grand festivities of an Afghan wedding. The wedding had such a colorful energy to it. It was all about getting together with family & friends and just having an infinite good time. There was non-stop food (which was soooo delicious) and non-stop dancing. Everyone and I mean everyone couldn’t stop dancing! The custom behind this is to have a grand celebration to launch the couple into their new life. Sounds to me like a good time in any culture! And you know it must be a good party when people don’t want to leave – even at 2 am! The music and dancing were so infectious that I couldn’t help but move a lil' to the beat as I was snapping away. I’m just glad my assistant shooter Patrick didn’t sneak any pics of me in the act! It’s weddings like these that make me think in my head “wow, I get paid to do this?!” and "wow, I really need to learn some new dance moves."

Thank you Faisal & Heela for letting me capture your special evening. You and your family & friends are amazing and vibrant. Your energy and dance moves are contagious and inspirational!

And special thanks to Patrick for shooting alongside me! He handled the Canon 70-200mm like a pro!

Here are some reminders of all the fun:

Faisal & Heela were so busy having a good time that they didn't want to be bogged down taking posed portraits. I must admit I don't blame them - it was some party! I managed to tie them down and get in a few shots. Introducing the newly-married-gorgeous-couple:


Pre-celebration blessings:

The amazing ambiance:




The bride & groom's decorative seats for the evening:

One of the many traditional gifts given to the bride & groom from family members:

Another wonderful tradition - henna is applied to the palm for good luck and happiness - on the bride:

...and all guests:

Congratulatory hug from the father-of-the bride:

Some more lovely details:

Now it's time for the fun to really begin!

The first of many dances between Faisal & Heela:

Heela looking radiant as always:

The rest of the gorgeous guests join in on the fun. All the ladies wore such beautiful dresses:

There goes Heela looking good again:

Faisal looking just as good and showing he’s got some moves himself:

The night winds down, but the love never ends!

To see more of images a slideshow from the wedding click on the link here: Faisal & Heela SLIDESHOW!


Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL. you did an amazing job.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Always be happy and Heela is a beautiful lady............
You are blessed...

Anonymous said...

very beautiful wedding.. and good couple :)always be happy

Anonymous said...

i am afghan as well but never seen a perfect wedding like this. everything is beautiful. congratz